How Not To Spend More And Still Sell The Product: Influencer Marketing

During the good ole days, newspapers, pamphlets, and television ads were the most used marketing channels. To some extent, they still are!

Mind Tricks!

Reflecting back, could you list some of the ads you remember still? And, why?

We tend to remember (ads promoting) things which,

  1. We could related to ourselves
  2. Had a brilliant concept
  3. Had a familiar face in it


Whether you think about your childhood or think about children now, you would notice how we are lured in to buying things, even if we don’t need it, just because it was promoted using a person or character we followed. Spiderman, Movie actors, cartoon characters (Doremon, Peppa Pig) – ring a bell?!


But, did you really think

  • Pierce Brosnan would eat betel nut just because he was in the ad?
  • Kareena would use lux soap?
  • Chota Bheem/Peppa Pig actually went to school with all that bag and pencil box?


It’s because they are known and have a following, these people or characters are used to promote products; which would make people to believe

  • The product is used by the person, perhaps
  • The product is endorsed/backed by a known person and hence safe to use
  • The product is better than other similar ones, since it is being promoted by a well-known person

The Influencing Act!

These well-known people (influencers) are there to influence your decision, make you believe which you otherwise wouldn’t, and are able to reach to mass or fans – instantly; thereby making a larger impact than those marketing agencies would make, following other practices.

In this era, people have so many social media channels on which they are active, and connect with their fans and followers.

Each of these followers further have a circle of people connected to them, so on and so forth. Virtually, you are connected to millions of people around the globe.

Theoretically, the chances of getting a response or someone buying/trying a product which you promote, are more.

Modern marketers are tapping on this trend!

The cost of engaging a creative ad agency, getting people to perform in it, getting the prime TV slots, and so many other associated costs are reduced. Not to mention the time and effort in getting the ad to market.

Now think, I’ve a million followers on three different social channels. If I say or promote anything on it, it will reach countless people within a few seconds – thanks to the internet!

Even if a percentage of those followers buy the product eventually, it’s a huge profit for the company; considering the amount they would spend on getting me to promote it online.

And this, my friends, is nothing but Influencer Marketing!

Influencer marketing (also influence marketing) is a form of marketing in which focus is placed on specific key individuals (or types of individual) rather than the target market as a whole.” – Wiki

Influencer marketing is a type of marketing that focuses on using key leaders to drive your brand’s message to the larger market. Rather than marketing directly to a large group of consumers, you instead inspire / hire / pay influencers to get out the word for you.” –


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Author speaks: I’m not here to change the world; I intend to make an impact on one soul at a time. If you like my work, please press Like, or better yet put a Comment; perhaps a feedback. However, the best appreciation of my work will be to Share this with your friends and your social circles (FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, G+, and others).

Thanks in advance!

How To Influence Without Authority

What comes to your mind when you think about Influencing without authority?

It can be thought of as either you don’t have an authority to influence other or you don’t exercise your authority while influencing others. Either ways, why do you think you need an authority to influence someone, of course for better things? Influencing or being able to convince others is a hard skill to learn, takes a lot of experience. Moreover, person capable of influencing others can be your most trusted friend or your worst nightmares, as the person would be able to convince others for better or for worse; which can have a strong impact on you.

Ever seen a child talking about his school friends and trying to convince you that he did nothing wrong and yet he was punished. You being closely associated with the child will be inclined towards him. Similarly, to be able to convince others, the foremost step is, you let go of your ego. Your desire to control others can become evident over time. It does not need you to be a manager or be senior to the person, rather it becomes difficult for people at later stages of their careers as they are perceived to be control freaks.

As a common notion goes, respect others (first) to be respected by others. You need to be able to demonstrate that your role has nothing to do with what you are saying. You mean what you say. The expression of interest, care, well being, and similar form the basis of this capability (influencing) and adds to your credibility. A bad manager resort to forced influence and creates an environment of hostility.

Ever wonder why friends are able to convince you better than others? It’s because they understand you and are there to help you, whenever you need them. They put aside any ill-thoughts and guide you to set right goals, will gather information for you, and help you make an educated decision. They stand with you when everyone else lets you down.

Praising others is one thing, praising them in public gives them a greater sense of appreciation and social acceptance. So, never by shy of admiring and thanking other out in the open. And when you do that, be genuine! You would be surprised to know how your mind, body, and words you speak can tell a lot about your feelings. When you don’t really mean to say good things, your choice of words will give it up for you.

The art of influencing should not be used for the wrong reasons. After all, there is a growth for you when you help others grow, even if you don’t realise it. Nonetheless, you don’t need an authority to influence others, you only need a genuine desire to help others. Just be careful of your actions and its impact in the long run, because there may be other people associated with the person (whom you influence) who can be affected by it.

“The key to successful leadership is influence, not authority.” ~ Kenneth H. Blanchard

Author speaks: I’m not here to change the world; I intend to make an impact on one soul at a time. If you like my work, please press Like, or better yet put a Comment; perhaps a feedback. However, the best appreciation of my work will be to Share this with your friends and your social circles (FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, G+, and others).

Thanks in advance!

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